Saturday, April 15, 2017

 Building Team and Collaboration
Being an expat family we have lived in different communities and been part of different school groups. In the International schooling world there is a big turnover of families and teachers alike. The school is often a safe haven place for expat families to come together and many different groups are formed. While teaching I have always been part of some group or another. Often a group of the same grade level or a work group regarding a particular subject or topic at the school. The most recent group was the group of festivities. We would make sure that every festival and holiday was recognized and celebrated.  I have had to experience many adjourning stages in the different groups that I have a part of. Either I have left the school or members of the group have left or changed groups.
Usually the adjourning stage is the disbanding of the team when the task is achieved (O’hair&Wiemann, 2012). I have also experienced groups breaking up before the conclusion of the task was reached. It felt easier and more natural when the conclusion was reached and we could embark on the adjourning stage as a closure to the project. Often when living abroad your connections with colleagues are stronger and closer due to a lack of your own familiar circles and support. These groups can therefore often be closer and more intense. I found it hard to see members leave when they had to move on.

During the process of this project there is a norming stage where the team starts to work cohesively together with respect and support (Abudi, 2010).  Not all groups work together cohesively, so when you find a group that does it can be hard to see it break up.  

When I taught in Amsterdam, before I had my children, I was part of an amazing group of teachers. I was leader of an early childhood team and we all contributed with passion and enthusiasm. We had so much respect for one another and I can say that I have ever experienced that kind of cohesive atmosphere in another work group since. Even though ti was 13 years ago we have managed to keep in touch and often have inspiring conversations that motivate me as a teacher. Even though I had to say good bye physically to this group I have managed to keep in touch informally.
I do not like goodbyes and closing off things but I do feel that they are good for closure and moving on. The most recent I experienced was when I left the compound we lived at in Indonesia. The compound was no longer going to have expats working there and was closing the school down after 50 years. They made it a beautiful celebration of time and history. They celebrated the local staff that had worked there for many years and also the got in touch with people that were young students there in the 70’s. There was a lot of good food, music, dancing and festivities. I plan to write an entry to say good bye and thank you to all my fellow students that been such a support throughout this course.
The adjourning phase is something that needs to be taken seriously and not skipped over. The leader of the group needs to keep this mind and make sure that this phase is done properly. Closure is important for everyone.


Abudi, G. (2010). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved on February 10,     2014 from
O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.


  1. Hi, Amanda
    Wow, what experiences. I agree that saying goodbye is not something we look forward to but as allured to, it is also a beginning to something new. Also, I think it is easier to face adjournment when the team has completed the task and finished with on neutral terms and with respect for everyone's contribution.

  2. You have had quite the experience. Although I have not had many goodbyes its not my favorite. I never really moved away from home, Ive lived in the same place my whole life. It hard to leave in the middle of a project too. I agree that closure is important. Great Post

  3. Amanda,

    I, too, do not like good byes. When you mentioned you dilikse of goodbyes i immediately thought about all of the stuent I had to leave where a goodbye was not giving to them. I can help but to think of how unfair it is to them. But the same is with dying. You just dont have the chance to say goodbye sometimes. I admittedly have not worked on my own adjourning processes for the very reason of not liking to say goodbye.

  4. Hi Amanda,

    My group had so respect for one another as well. I think respect is very important part of a group and it makes the adjourning stage a little easier because we are more than likely to keep touch with people that have a respect for you. I kept in touch with my group and even though I don't see them; we talk about how the group is going.

  5. Amanda,

    It has been great reading such diversified perspectives from you. My nickname is Ace- as in first in several things I am, but I found it funny that another Amanda was ALWAYS first posting. you are a great student and and even better educator. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.See you at the finish line!

  6. Amanda I have really enjoyed your work. You a so talented and are destined to do great things. I wish you the best of luck in the future. Thank you for all your kinds words of encouragement throughout the course.

  7. Hello Amanda,
    Thank you so much for the informative post. I wish you many blessings ahead in your journey.
