Sunday, November 19, 2017

Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

Some of the ways you noticed that homophobia and heterosexism permeate the world of young children including books, movies, toys, stores, culture of early childhood centers, and school.

It is very obvious that when one looks at traditional children's stories and literature it is predominately heterosexual stereotypes and no examples of same sex marriages or parents. I recently taught a young boy that was adopted and had two fathers. He was a black boy and his parents were Jewish, white males. The village where we live is very liberal and multi cultural and they are an integrated part of our community. However having said that they still face daily criticism and questioning from ignorant people. I have tried to look for literature that depicts same sex marriages and adopted children or biological children within these families. Having this boy in my class also made me look closer at my own teaching environment and I realized that I needed to present more examples of different types of families. The home corner needed dolls with colour and not only white dolls. I tried to encourage boys to feel comfortable with roles that they would usually characterize as female roles.

  • Your response to those who believe that early childhood centers should avoid the inclusion of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families.

  • I am pleased to say this is not something that I have dealt with first hand. I can well imagine the scenario though. I am ashamed to say that I have family members that are extremely homophobic. I also have family members that are in life long same sex marriages.  I feel that if I were faced with this issue I would take the time to sit with these parents and explain the very stereotypes and biases that we as Educators are trying to avoid in young children. I feel that the world is full of different individuals with different sexual and life style choices. We are not at liberty to judge the choices of others nor can we say that the choices that we have made are exclusively the correct ones. I feel that by exposing young children to all different types of families and loving relationships, they can only evolve as tolerant and non judgmental people. We as adults can learn a lot from young children. We are quick to judge and see things black and white where as children often won't question scenarios and will accept things far easier. They are born pure and without prior judgments and as Educators I believe it is our duty to nurture that attitude and encourage tolerance and respect. Again I will make reference to South Africa and how things have changed so much in the past two decades since our precious late Nelson Mandela freed our country of Apartheid. Not only did racial boundaries breakdown but gay rights came to the forefront and for this I am very proud of our nation.


    Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Start seeing diversity: Gender [Video file]. Retrieved from


    1. Great post! I liked how you would address the parents but most importantly, I liked what you said about children and how they have valuable points. However, building healthy relationships with families and children are equally as important.

    2. This is such a hard area to work with families through because we do not want to disrespect anyone while at the same time wishing to educate not only our families but ourselves as well. Great job.
